The dream dresses. The very early autumn look. Neutrals mixed with classic and a little twist.
Put the vintage look-like blazer on and don’t forget the dark lip accent.
1. White raw silk dress TOTEME
2. Silk satin maxi dress Joseph
3. Leather ankle boots Ganni
4. White sneakers Eytys
5. Vintage look-like blazer Zara
6. Gold earrings KennethJayLane
7. Gold watch Cluse
8. Lipstick Estee Lauder
Claudia, xx
16 Sept 2018
Claudia Grabowska
Blog o modzie, stylu i szafie kapsułowej.
White is still my favourite colour. I'm a non euclidean geometry lover and music breather. S l o w f a s h i o n inculcater. Odd might be pretty. These are not outlandish outfits.
📍based in Cracow, Poland