28 Jun 2020
#370 June favourites
Pogoda się trochę z nami bawi ostatnio. Czerwiec powinien być słoneczny a tymczasem dostaliśmy mnóstwo deszczowych dni. Nie przeszkadza mi to. Nigdy nie lubiłam upałów.
W tym miesiącu do ulubieńców należą..
The weather really messed with us lately. June means sunny weather but mostly what we got was pouring rain. But.. I don't mind. I never liked hot weather.
This month favourties are..
A long trench coat in classic shape Ivy&Oak
A black cap for an enduro (me) lover ReziStyle
Best ever jeans I got - the fit and colour are absolutely perfect Carin Wester
Lovely bath oil with a smell I got addicted to Comfort Zone
Black mascara. Actually I got a miniature but I am already headed to Sephora to get it! Eisenberg
Middle coverage, light and adds a little glow to fresh summer makeups. Best foundation IsaDora
Definitely yes to that hand hydration from Miriam Quevedo
The most comfiest leather sandals Selected Femme
Claudia Grabowska
Blog o modzie, stylu i szafie kapsułowej.
White is still my favourite colour. I'm a non euclidean geometry lover and music breather. S l o w f a s h i o n inculcater. Odd might be pretty. These are not outlandish outfits.
📍based in Cracow, Poland